A training for the new leaders of this world


Really excited about what wanted to manifest through ‘me’ the last few months. More and more leaders unexpectedly showed up asking to be trained in a different way. By using intuition in business, we can tune into what wants to come through for the highest good. Not only through yourself as a leader, but also for the team, each individual and even the organization itself. If we forget about targets, numbers and products and tune into the 5D, what in truth are we then selling? What does the company really provide? Can we as leaders see the blueprint of our staff members? Their true potential and life purpose? And give them the opportunity to activate their talents and gifts for the highest good of the organization and even the collective? Yes we can!

When we truly value ourselves and the truth behind the organization, the targets and numbers will rise by themselves, as the Universe supports those who see themselves as it. A new leader tunes in! Into his/herself, their true self. Into every link of the whole. Into the identity and higher purpose of the company. Elevate Your Team, is a training for new leaders. Get on a free discovery call with me and see how it works.

This training is about discovering, remembering, and uncovering your truth first.
Its learning you ARE intuition, how to expand it and how to work with it in your day to day life.
Is becoming free from your own insecurities and fear of failure, need for confirmation and more.
And an in-depth training in which we will tune into your organization or team.

This training contains
* The TUNE-IN! Training with 10 private training sessions to learn how to connect with your intuition on demand, clear your own insecurities, fear of failure, need for confirmation and more. (See training below).
* Followed up with 5 private training sessions to elevate your team. To tune into the identity of the organization, learn to read and change the energy field, see the truth behind of what really wants to come through for each individual, the team, you as a leader and the organization itself.
* Energetic sessions Source Healing with Mathieu Iking to activate talents and gifts in your DNA.
* Energetic Integration sessions Source Healing with Mathieu Iking to integrate all the insights on a deep level
* Training sessions and Energetic sessions with your team on the spot possible too to activate their potential, talents and gifts, clear limiting beliefs, transform them and integrate.

Get on a call and discover what is possible for you and your team.
As this is not a one-size-fits-all training.
(Scroll down for your registration form)

Intuition training to discover your blueprint and life purpose


This training is about discovering, remembering, and uncovering your truth.
It is recognizing you ARE intuition, how to expand it and how to work with it in your day to day life.
Is becoming free from ANYONE! You no longer need confirmation and answers from others.
You will learn to find and clear non-truths, learn new habits that will help you recognize when your intuition is talking and when the EGO.
It’s seeing the signs and following them, until your life more and more start to make sense to you, as your life purpose and WHY comes to the surface.

This training contains
* Multiple sessions to discover, clear and practice and learn how to integrate these truths
* Energetic sessions to raise your vibration
* Regular private recap calls
* Q&A’s in a group with other students
* Video’s, movies, articles and exercises

Get on a call and discover what is possible for you.
(Scroll down for the registration form).

“I Feel, I Feel, what you don’t feel”, is a beautiful short documentary about highly sensitive people who feel more connection with nature and the spirit world, then with the world behind The Matrix. The TUNE IN! Discover Your Truth training is about getting back to this truth, trusting it, believing it, knowing the true power of it! The more people reconnect to their essence, the more beautiful and in alignment the world will be! Luckily we are living in a world where more people dare to show they are different and so we are no longer an outcast. The participants of the training often come together to tune in together during free online events, or LIVE.


“Ik heb bij Eyra een groepshealing gevolgd met prachtige geleidde meditatie, een 1:1 Subconscious Mind Clearing dat een oude overtuiging met wortel en al verwijderde en verrassend inzicht gaf. Ook heb ik de training Wheel of Truth gevolgd om antwoorden te ontvangen van mijn intuitie. Ik wist niet goed wat ik daarvan mocht verwachten, maar wow! De antwoorden en inzichten kwamen sneller dan ik dacht en direct na de training bracht het Universum mij al een uitdaging van een oud stuk waar ik dankzij de inzichten nu heel anders op reageerde. Ik wordt ontzettend blij van het directe effect en kan niet wachten wat de circle mij nog meer gaat brengen” [P.U. Belgie]
“I attended a group healing with Eyra with a beautiful guided meditation, a 1:1 Subconscious Mind Clearing that cleared an old limiting belief at the root and gave me an unexpected insight. Also I attended the training Wheel of Truth to receive answers from my intuition. I did not know what to expect really, but wow! The answers and insights came quicker than expected and directly after the training the Universe already brought me a challenge with old energy that I could now -thanks to the insights -, reacted differently to. I am really excited by the direct effect and I cannot wait to see what else the circle is going to bring me”. - P.U. Belgium
"I recently created a Wheel of Truth with Eyra. It was a beautiful experience. We created an amazing space of love and truth that I can access anywhere, anytime. My intuition was heightened during this process so I could understand the true answers to my questions. I am so grateful to have this supportive tool while I'm on my journey on this Earth. I look forward to creating another wheel with the instructions that Eyra gave to me after our meeting. Thank you Eyra. 💫💞"


As this is an investment in your life I can understand you might have some questions. Book a FREE call and let me show you a little preview of what is possible for you.

As it is my mission to guide as many people as possible back into alignment with their truth, I only work with people who really want to take that next step and move forward!
If you are that person I am your WOMAN and I will do anything in my power to assist you on this journey.

I also love to work with coaches and trainers who have done a lot of the work already, and just need someone to look beyond their blind spot, or to expand to the next level.

Although many beautiful things have happened when we clear the root cause of limiting beliefs and diseases, I am not a doctor and will not do any medical statements. My focus and expertise is on clearing the subconscious mind only and your blueprint.

It is my passion and greatest joy to work with you and discover your life purpose together!

In love and truth,

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