
Testimonials Intuitie Training

“Eyra has been instrumental in helping me move forward in my journey. She has amazing intuitive insights in saying bye bye to ego mind and tapping into True Self. Thank you, Eyra.”

Waar moet ik beginnen 😉 De training bij Eyra was fantastisch. Eyra is iemand die met zoveel geduld liefde en aandacht je rustig blijft herinneren aan dat wat je eigenlijk altijd al bent geweest. Maar dat door omstandigheden niet meer zichtbaar voor jezelf was.

Eyra heeft het vermogen om jou te zien voor wat je echt bent. En dit laat ze steeds rustig, in jouw tempo, terug komen tijdens de training. Hierdoor kreeg ik weer het vertrouwen en geloof in mijn echte zelf terug.

Ook voelde ik me heel erg veilig in het contact met Eyra, het voelde erg vertrouwd allemaal. Zo vertrouwd dat ik op een gegeven moment met Eyra aan mijn paniek klachten heb gewerkt. De training is een “op maat” training, en daardoor werd dit stuk met de paniek klachten, toen dat om hoog kwam, heel mooi geïntegreerd door Eyra.
Tijdens de training heb ik geleerd hoe ik contact kan maken met mijn hogere zelf zodat ik in mijn dagelijkse leven keuzes kan maken met mijn hogere zelf. Dit helpt mij enorm met keuzes te maken die dicht bij mijzelf liggen.

De tools die ik heb meegekregen vanuit de training zorgen ervoor dat ik goed voor mijzelf en mijn eigen emoties kan zorgen. Ik kan mijzelf nu helpen op momenten dat het even lastig kan zijn. Het “eigen verantwoordelijkheid” kunnen nemen geeft mij elke dag weer meer en meer een gevoel van vrijheid en zelfstandigheid.

Three Step Program ELEVATE

Testimonials SCM Clearing

Afgelopen dinsdag heb ik een hele fijne sessie van Eyra gehad. Om eventuele trauma’s, energieblokkades en (niet meer dienende) overtuigingen op te sporen en te transformeren/los te laten. D.m.v. een fijne, goed te volgen, visualisatie raakte ik echt in diepe ontspanning, waardoor ik denk ik goed kon toelaten, verwerken & loslaten. Eyra doet de hele sessie op een nuchtere, down-to-earth, manier met humor & luchtigheid. Ik voelde me echt op m’n gemak. Ook gaf ze me fijne adviezen aan het eind. Lichamelijk voelde ik me de volgende dag echt lichter, energieker en minder foggyness/mist in m’n hoofd. Ik voelde opluchting en weer meer hoop. Alsof ik weer een stapje vooruit heb gezet; zo van: ‘Yes, we kunnen weer verder’. Het gevoel niet meer vast te zitten. M.P. Nederland
Ik heb nu twee sessies gedaan bij Eyra, en beide keren voelde ik dat er weer een laag werd opgeruimd, ervaarde ik meer ruimte in mezelf. Het contact met Eyra vind ik erg prettig, ik ervaar haar als een integer, oprecht, goed aan- en invoelend, een liefdevol betrokken persoon. Fijn én veilig om met haar samen de diepere (pijn)lagen aan te kijken en los te laten wat het volledige contact, het Zijn met jezelf in de weg zit.. Ik kijk uit naar volgende stappen . L. C. Nederland

I got to know Eyra Moon through her thoughtful, gifted, and inspiring writing through BizCatalyst360, her music videos. After engaging with one another through meaningful and valuable comments, I had a phone conversation and connection call with Eyra.  She offered much powerful guidance for me as I know I continue to shed limiting beliefs and free myself to live aligned with my passions and purpose for being on the planet. What a gift to realize the Idea “I am not worthy.” could energetically be given back as a wrapped present to the soul who needed most to unravel this belief. This belief had been passed along and was never mine to process. I am enough. I am loved.

After her guidance, I noticed I felt freer to express many thoughts in my writings, story telling. A deeper peace endures in my experience of each day. I trust myself and inner guidance even more. Eyra has many gifts to offer including her healing guidance to get to root limiting beliefs, writings, and music. She’s an exceptional healer and intuitive who I highly and wholeheartedly recommend.
Thank you so much, Eyra for the positive difference you make!

Laura Staley, author of “Abundant Heart” [USA

“Working with Eyra has been a great experience.
She helped learn how to recognize what messages from my intuition
and how to expand them. She let me feel comfortable and safe right away and
encouraged me to explore on my own, which really helped with overcoming self-doubt.
For me, things started to move forward from there. Thank you Eyra!”

Simona Mango, now Intuitive Life Coach herself

“Eyra Moon and I had an amazing session that unraveled yet another layer of the past. She guided me into the subconscious mind reaching a root cause of an experience that was still blocking me in the present.
I felt a definitive shift occur as the release of this unhealthy memory left me. I highly recommend this process and the guidance of Eyra Moon! Cheers!”

Eileen Bild, Author, Coach and founder of OTEL PRODUCTIONS at Roku TV

“My first session was really beautiful. Eyra is very pure, safe and clear. She was able to go deep into the root of the belief that is causing problems and clear it immediately. She knew exactly how to uncover the truth and brought my power back to the surface. Highly recommended for growth!”

Sivan Ravivo, Graphic Designer at Studio Ravivo

As a mom of two small children, an entrepreneur and highly sensitive herself life can be quit consuming.
Apart from clearing old beliefs, Sivan learned some new habits and changed her perspective.
Her business has been blooming since, while having more time for her kids AND herself!


“Something about your approach that seems more human centered than business or money centered. Where you take time and make space for another soul who is uncertain or struggling – unconditional love matters. Some need a simple reset; others of us need a wholesale flush and rebuild. You guide gently and with purpose, which instills trust!”


 While recovering from a lengthy and unexpected illness, MB invested in a personal growth package of 5 one-on-one sessions. Still feeling unsettled and disconnected despite the clearing and healing, she took the bold step to leave a job she loved. These sessions helped her realize her job would not allow her to develop or expand in alignment to her blueprint and her why. She recovered from the illness, attended a few Halo Experiences and has found her True Voice. The expansion of her Intuition has allowed her to confidently share her long-hidden views of life behind the Matrix. Her insights, joy and growth inspire us all.

Eyra has been my life coach for a while and really helped me.
I use to have cancer and wanted as much as possible to get more out of life that was still available to me.

It was wonderful to listen to her and to learn tools that I daily use.
Together we transformed certain limiting beliefs that no longer served me into universal love.
I gained more self belief and truly believe in my own power now.
But more importantly, for the first time of my life I love myself!

I am now able to send love all around me and to enjoy everything that comes my way.

Thank you Eyra, for your help, love and professional guidance.

Marret [Netherlands]

We had 3 SCM clearing sessions and cleared general beliefs around cancer as well as beliefs of a story that wanted to be seen.
We also facilitated DNA Healing with a colleague and suggested to read the book from Anita Moorjani. After a few weeks of daily exercises to get back (remember) her truth her tests showed no signs of cancer. Also her latest test show she is still clean. It’s hard to say what exactly caused the withdrawing and rebalancing of the cells as Marret choose to continue regular treatment as well.  Maybe it was both. What matters is we were created in perfect balance. It’s the non truths that create a disbalance in our system. When we bring truth back in, the cells can take on their original state of being as Anita explains in her book.

[* Disclaimer; we are not a doctor and can and will not make any diagnose or cure a disease. Rather the meaning of these sessions is to clear limiting beliefs and stuck energies from the subconscious mind and leave it to the higher intelligence what is needed, as we do not decide, nor are in charge].

“Eyra quickly saw the truth of what was blocking me in relationships. It appeared to be deeper than the obvious. Beautiful session in which I felt relieved and ready to create a new reality with my new mind.

A true transformation!”

Deann [USA]

Video testimonials

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