Interview TV PLUS

On Belgium TV


Eyra Moon in De Platenkast

I was very honored to be asked by Stefan Ackermans from the TV programma De Platenkast for an interview. In the studios from TV Plus in Belgium he asked about with what records I grew up with and their background stories. If you are not in Belgium, channel click on the icon.

Unfortunately for my English speaking friends and fans, this is in my mothers language. I hope to make it up one day with you. šŸ˜‰ If it will make you feel better; Below you will find my interview with the American TV Channel KNOB TV on Roku.Ā 

Looking back at my life itā€™s so funny how my mind tricked me so many times and took me away from my true self. In the deep belief I am not lovable, trying to find proof of that or proof that I was wrong, I have been running around like a chicken without a head. Looking for love, confirmation, shelter and safety, friendship, wisdom, success everywhere but at the one place where I would succeed.

I am at a place now that I can laugh about it and also be gentle about it towards myself. How could I know it was closer than expected? Our mind (and the Ego minds of those around us) has been conditioned to believe love and anything else is something we get from somewhere or someone outside of us. The Ego Mind couldnā€™t be further from the truth. As we are all part of the Universe we are everything! We are all energies. The energy of love. The energy of freedom. Wanted. The energy of money. Abundance. Joy.

ā€œHigh As A Kiteā€ is a song in which I reveal my journey as a seeker and eventually a founder of my true self and of love. Please travel with me.

Love, Eyra

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High As A Kite


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